Saturday, July 10, 2010


Saturday, July 10, 2010
 I took a long walk along the trails back of town today. It's a well maintained system that extends through the rainforest that covers Barinof Island. Boardwalk through the boggy areas, wood steps or gravel along the rest of the way. Ravens are the main residents and they have more variety to their calls than I would have thought. Caws like crows, but also some turkey gobbles, and some bell-like vocalizations. Of course, it was raining - a gentle mist that covered moss, ferns, and weathered tree stumps. Eyeglasses fogged up - easier to see without them.

There is a popular story that the Inuit have hundreds of names for snow. I don't know it that's true, but I do think that residents in Southeast Alaska do have some subtle ways of referring to the rain that blesses the region. Here is the forecast from the NWS: CURRENTLY/Light Rain, SUN/Periods of rain, MON/Showers likely, TUE/Rain likely, WED/Rain, THU/Chance of showers.

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