Sunday, October 5, 2014

An Unusual Flag

In two days, I am going to a part of the world that flys this strange flag. I look at flags as a way to gain some understanding of a culture, but this is a strange one, and may take some explaining. 

  • That remarkable thing on the middle is the triskelion (with the legs), the head of Medusa (with wings), and three ears of wheat (for the fertile land). The symbol has represented the region for thousands of years.
  • It is not an independent country, but is a separate autonomous region of a larger country.
  • The region has been ruled at various times by the Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Goths, Normans, French, Moors, Byzantines, and Spanish. I’m sure there were others.
  • The flag was first adopted upon unification of the island after the Vespers Revolt of 1282, which took the lives of 5,000 French settlers after a French soldier made an unwelcome advance on a woman during the holiday festivities. 
  • The flag is bisected diagonally into regions colored red and yellow, representing two primary communities that formed an alliance during the Vespers Revolt. Red - for the current capital of the region, and yellow - representing a what is now a smaller town but was a primary agricultural region at the time.


  1. Where are you going, or am I supposed to guess based on the hints you've provided? Medusaland? Land of the Three-Legged People? The land of Oz? Inquiring minds want to know. ; )
