Back from the Galapagos, we head north to Otavalo,
a region with a strong indigenous culture. The Otavalenos were
conquered by the Inca empire in the 1500's, and then by the Spanish
about 50 years later - bad luck. But before, during and after all the
conquering, they have maintained strong traditions. The market in Otavalo
is the big draw for locals and tourists alike. Friday morning at the
animal market is organized chaos. pigs, chickens, cows, guinea pigs
(favorite food), and people wander the field where the market is set up.
Food vendors are selling their goods and a man is selling
dishware out of the back of a truck - giving a sales pitch with
amplified microphone. There is even an black voodoo witch doctor selling
potions. The food market is a short walk away, stretching for many
blocks with a wild variety of local foods, fruit and grains. The arts
and crafts market is a bit further on, with hundreds of small stalls
selling items for visitors. Prices are low and much to choose from.
Perhaps the high point of the two days is not the market, but visits to a
musician and his family to see traditional instruments made. Next day a
local weaver demonstrates traditional techniques. It is all very
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