The cottonwood trees around our camp are sending out white tufts into a light breeze. Zol is on the river bank fly fishing - soup tomorrow? The 'kids' have staked out the horses to graze and are in their tent playing cards. I thought we would be in more mountainous area, but we spent the afternoon trotting down another beautiful flat valley. Today we visited Tsetserleg, the provence capital, and saw yet another Naadam - this time in a bigger town and with better wrestlers. In town we picked our cook for the next three days. She had lived in France for a year so I can communicate in my broken French.
Riding out of town, we were stuck in a traffic jam as cars left the horse race finish line. There is still a network signal at tonight's remote camp, but weak, so I won't try photos today.
Ooo! A French-influenced Chinese cook. You lucked out! mmm