Sunday, July 10, 2011

Guest Blogger

It's time for some on-the-spot reporting about Mongolian horses. So this is Lisa reporting live from a ger in the Ikh Tamir valley.  We met our horses yesterday.  They do not have names because they are rotated in and out of the herd.  As an American, I felt an immediate need to name my horse (very quietly).  He is Blackie and one ear has been half bitten off by another horse.  The saddle has two pieces of wood onto which is attached a padded seat.  The rein is a nylon rope which is held in one hand.  We've been told don't pet them, never approach from the right side, don't go near the back end.  I'm terrified to touch or speak to the poor guy.  The travel writer Tim Cahill described second gear on these horses as The Mongolian Death Trot.  Yes indeed.  After trotting for a while yesterday, today I was prepared with some dirty socks which I stuffed inside my pants in front.  It was a good idea except that when we trotted the socks moved up to the middle of my stomach,giving me quite an unhealthy appearance.  Our guide, Zol, has not allowed us to go into third gear yet.  I live in hopes that it is somewhat smoother. 
Today we crossed another hurdle in my list of Things to be Anxious About.  We stopped to visit a family in a small group of gers.  It was very beautiful inside the ger we visited, and we were served tea and a plate of snacks,many of which were cheese products.  Wise to the way of tourists, they thoughtfully did not put butter in the tea.

1 comment:

  1. One-Eared Blackie. I love it! I hope the ride gets smoother.
