On our last full day at
Skeleton Coast Camp we do our full-day drive and go up a dry river bed
that eventually has water. We are tracking lions from their prints in
the sand. We stop for a coffee break, and as we leave, our guide Kallie
spots the lions across the river. We maneuver so we can see the whole
pride sleeping among the low trees--2 females, 3 cubs, and the invisible
papa. We watch the cubs for a long time as they face us with their
golden eyes.
Later that day, I am sitting in the seat on top of
the Land Rover and we find elephants--and then more elephants--and then
elephants with beautiful dark-brown baboons. It is an abundant day in
the relatively lush riverbed.

Now we are in our airport hotel in
we arrived late last night from the Skeleton Coast. First in our
12-seat Cessna flying over the roadless land to Windhoek, the capital of
Namibia. Then on an Air Namibia flight to J'burg with rows closer than
any I have ever experienced. None of the seat backs recline, thank
heavens. We fly home tonight and have the luxury of a completely
unstructured day in our hotel. Reading, napping, snacking, and a long
hot shower and no bucket. Getting up our strength for our approximately
25 hours of travel.

This morning at 6:45 (our sleep-in morning)
we heard singing. In the lobby atrium 20 staff--many wearing local
dress--are singing at the top of their voices and moving their feet in
rhythmic dancing. They go on for more than a half-hour. What a
glorious way to be awoken, even at that hour. John and I make our
French-press coffee and drink it in bed.