Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thoughts before I go to Uganda

I have to admit that the mention of Uganda brings up uncomfortable memories of Idi Amin and his brutal regime of the 1970's. The mention of Rwanda brings up more recent bad memories of the horrific genocide of the mid 1990’s. Today, I am told that this small piece of Africa is a changed place that is still working through the transition from this horrible time. I am ready to see all there is to see with eyes open.

In preparation for the trip I bought a map of Uganda, to scope out our route. I was a bit taken aback to see notations "Travel warning in this region due to civil unrest in Rwanda and Congo" and “Caution, roads in this area may be mined”. Thinking it was an old map, I checked – (2 years is NOT old). However, the areas that we are going are well traveled tourist areas, and the US State Department travel website seems mostly concerned with pickpockets and unrest across the border with Congo, so my concern is minimal. I am bringing lots of gear, but no metal detectors. I know the focus of the trip will be on the wildlife, the landscape and the remarkable people we will meet.

PS - after this posting I am hearing news in mid Sept. of riots in the Uganda capital between government forces and supporters of a regional king. In spite of this, I am still optimistic about the trip. It just gives me a dose of reality to realize that some things are slow to change.