It is probably fitting that our first visit to the edge of the desert should be just in time for a sandstorm. The Step Pyramid is thought to be the oldest stone structure in the world, built nearly five thousand years ago. Is this the begining of architecture? The pyramid, and others nearby are greatly eroded by the sand and wind and we are treated to a cold wind and fine sand that gets into eyes, nose and mouth. Bandana keeps it away form all but the eyes and they bother me. It is a relief to descend into the Pyramid of Teti nearby. We go down a narrow, steep corridor - stooping below the low stone ceiling. The burial chamber is simple, with stars cut into the roof slabs - quite nice, buried deep into the bedrock below the pyramid. The conditions back above ground are pretty rotten, and Ahmed cancels the afternoon visit to the Great Pyramid in favor to a visit back to the old part of Cairo - this time to the traditional Christian sector. Cairo was a center of early Christianity and much of the heritage is preserved in church architecture and a wonderful museum of Coptic Christian art. We visit a sight where tradition holds that was visited by Mary, Joseph and young Jesus after they fled the Holy Land. The Coptic church survives today, having split from other Christian faiths with a belief system that they feel maintains the original beliefs of the faith. It's a bit complicated.
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